We thank the media for their help in Telling the Story.
The links below are external and subject to change.

Midwest Messenger: “Farmer who is ‘lucky to be alive’ takes time for safety”

Wisconsin State Farmer: “Biadasz family advocates for farm safety in wake of tragedy”
Wisconsin State Farmer: “Being in a hurry is no excuse for an unsafe act”

Morning AgClips: “Farmer who is ‘lucky to be alive’ takes time for safety”

Iowa Farmer Today: “Farmer touts safety mantra years after close call”

The Mid-West Farm Report: “Scott Schultz talks with Scott Heiberger about Telling the Story Project”

Iowa Farmer Today: “Man counts good fortune following ATV accident”

Iowa Farmer Today: “Broadcaster shares run-in with steer that broke her hand”

Iowa Magazine: “Stories from the Farm”

Illinois Farmer Today: “From farm crisis to flood, farmers learn from hard times”

Cedar Rapids Gazette: “For farmers, harvest time poses greater safety threats”

U.S. News & World Report BEST STATES: “Nebraska public health college touts farm safety website”

Iowa Farmer Today: “‘Think twice’ – 30 years later, a survivor offers plea to farmers”

Muscatine Journal: “Muscatine farmer shares safety stories through new online project”

UNMC NEWSROOM: “New farm safety website to debut”

1011NOW KOLN|KGIN: “‘New farm safety website to debut in time for National Farm Safety Week”

IOWA Now: “Telling stories, protecting farmers”

Wisconsin Farm Report: “Things can happen in a blink of an eye”

Storm Lake Pilot Tribune: “Tell a story, save a life”
Storm Lake Pilot Tribune: “Recuperating local farmer: ‘It sounds like an unbelievable story…'”

North Platte Bulletin: “New website promotes farm safety”

Rochester Post-Bulletin Agri News: “Website aims to share stories of injury on the farm”

Angus Beef Bulletin: “New project helps farmers share safety messages”

Iowa Farmer Today: “Telling the story: website brings together stories of safety and survival”

Brownfield Ag Network: “‘Tell a story, save a life’: Farmers encouraged to share their farm accident stories”
Brownfield Ag Network: “Iowa farmer shares his farm accident story”

Farm & Livestock Directory: “Raising farm safety awareness through personal stories”

Wisconsin State Farmer: “New project helps farmers share stories, safety messages”

RFD-TV Market Day Report: “Telling the Story Project” (video interview)

Farm Journal’s PORK: “New project helps farmers share stories, safety messages”

Ag|UPDATE: “Telling the Story“

Iowa Farmer Today: “Story of survival sparks changes in hog operation”