Looking for more information?
The sites below include discussion guides created for our stories and recommended websites that have search features loaded with a broad range of topics related to safety and health in agriculture.

Classroom discussion guides are available for some of our stories. Click here for more information.

The information contained in the National Ag Safety Database (NASD) is contributed by safety professionals and organizations from across the nation.

The US Agricultural Health and Safety Centers YouTube channel is a joint effort to share the videos created by 10 regional US Ag Health and Safety Centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

The Farm & Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice (CoP) is a collaborative effort between universities, industry, and government to provide user-friendly information for the general rural population, agricultural producers, and agricultural safety and health professionals.

Ireland’s Health and Safety Authority (HSA) Survivor Stories is a compilation of video stories presenting real farmers telling their own farm accident stories, from bull attacks to combine harvester entanglements, and more. Their hope is that you can learn from their experiences and take the simple steps that will make your farm safer. The website includes tools for risk assessment and safety resources. Their YouTube channel – farmaccidents – houses over 30 video stories.

Sometimes an image is worth a thousand words. And a reminder is all you need.
We are pleased to share story•frames created by Rick Friday, an Iowa farmer and cartoonist, one of our story-sharers.